Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The People’s Republic of China
Joint Statement between the Government of the People’s Republic of China and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark on the Establishment of a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership
Updated: October 25, 2008 16:57

At the invitation of H.E. Wen Jiabao, Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, H.E. Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Denmark, came to China to attend the 7th Asia-Europe Meeting and to pay an official visit on 20th – 25th October 2008. During the official visit President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao held talks with Prime Minister Rasmussen.

The leaders reviewed the considerable progress of the bilateral relations and the fruitful cooperation in the political, economic, cultural, educational, scientific and technological fields since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1950. Bilateral relations have been steadily enhanced with greater political mutual trust and respect and expanded economic cooperation and trade.

The two sides agreed that they shared a common interest in working together on bilateral, multilateral and global issues. To mark the mutually beneficial relations, the two sides agreed to launch a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, which would encompass all areas of bilateral relations, and to strengthen their bilateral and multilateral co-operation by adopting the following measures:

1. The two sides agreed to strengthen the political and economic dialogue by maintaining the momentum of regular high-level exchanges and enhancing friendly exchanges between the governments and legislative bodies as well as local authorities in various forms and at various levels to increase mutual understanding and establish concrete cooperation.

The two sides will strengthen the political dialogue and promote closer consultation and co-operation between the two foreign ministries. They will maintain the political consultation mechanism at vice foreign ministerial level and strive for annual meetings alternately in Beijing and Copenhagen.

During these exchanges and also other bilateral consultations and meetings, the two sides can discuss ways to strengthen cooperation including meetings at the level of leaders of government or foreign ministers at bilateral or multilateral occasions.

The two sides will also work in common to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations in 2010 through suitable mutual high-level visits and in other ways.

Denmark reiterated its firm adherence to the one China policy, not supporting Taiwan’s membership of international organizations which require statehood, and not having official contacts with Taiwan. The Chinese side appreciated the above principled position of the Danish side. Denmark expressed its hope for a peaceful resolution of the Taiwan question through constructive dialogue. The Chinese side reiterated its principled position on Taiwan.

The two sides were pleased about the good progress made in EU-China relations and were ready to make continued contribution to the deepening of China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership. Denmark confirmed its willingness to carry forward work towards lifting the EU arms embargo against China on the basis of the Joint Statement of the 2004 EU-China Summit and subsequent European Council Conclusions.

2. Denmark and China both fully support a fair, just and rules-based multilateral international system, with the United Nations playing the central role in addressing global issues and bringing political solutions to international disputes through consultations and negotiations. The two sides support reasonable and necessary reforms of the UN. Consequently, the two sides will strengthen cooperation in the United Nations, ASEM, EU-China relations and other multilateral and regional mechanisms.

In connection with the United Nations and its peace-keeping missions, the two sides affirmed their willingness to engage in sharing experiences in this regard.

3. The two sides condemned terrorism in all its forms without qualifications, committed by whomever, whenever and for whatever purposes. The two sides decided to strengthen consultation and exchanges on counter-terrorism, reiterated that the UN should play a leading role in the fight against terrorism and expressed opposition to associating terrorism with any specific ethnic group or religion.

4. Leaders stated their willingness to strengthen exchanges and cooperation in the field of non-proliferation.

5. The two sides reaffirmed their commitment to the promotion and protection of human rights and continued to place value on the exchanges and cooperation on human rights based on equality and mutual respect. They underlined the importance of concrete steps in the field of human rights.

6. Both sides affirmed their commitment to the continued development of Africa. Denmark and China will enhance mutual exchanges in support of African development in order to explore more effective ways of cooperating with the continent. The two sides expressed their full commitment to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and global sustainable development.

7. The two sides agreed to continue to strengthen cooperation in the fields of climate change, energy and the environment, research and innovation, and education. Denmark will direct efforts to that end through the completion of the priorities in the Action Plan Denmark-China - A Mutually Beneficial Partnership published during the Prime Minister’s bilateral visit to China. China appreciated Denmark’s initiative for enhancing cooperation.

The two sides stressed the importance they attach to tackling climate change. They support the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change as the main channel for global efforts on climate change and reiterated their commitment to the principle of “common but differentiated responsibilities”. They will work together with a view to reaching an agreed outcome and adopt a decision at the Conference of Parties (COP 15) in Copenhagen in 2009. The two sides agreed to maintain close contact at all levels with a view to attaining this goal.

Denmark supports the development of the Chinese wind energy sector. A new programme beginning in 2009 will support China's national plans for renewable energy including the establishment of a centre for renewable energy and the transfer and development of new and innovative renewable energy technologies in close cooperation between Danish and Chinese R&D institutions and the private sector. Leaders of the two sides witnessed the signing of a letter of intent concerning a new Danish-Chinese programme for renewable energy worth 100 million DKK.

In the field of environment, the two sides will strengthen cooperation in such environmental protection fields as water and air pollution prevention and treatment, and waste management.

Both sides agreed to strengthen cooperation in higher education, research and innovation in order to jointly develop competences and knowledge in areas closely linked to the social and economic development in both countries. This will, inter alia, be achieved through support for research partnerships and increased mobility of research talents as it follows from the September 2007 Memorandum of Understanding on Bilateral Cooperation in Science and Technology between the People's Republic of China and Denmark. Leaders of the two sides witnessed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding Concerning the Establishment of a Sino-Danish Center (SDC) for Education and Research.

8. The two sides will further deepen and expand mutually beneficial economic and trade co-operation, make full use of and improve the Sino-Danish Joint Committee of Trade and Economic Cooperation and other existing consultation and co-operation mechanisms to increase the dialogue on trade, investment and technology and encourage exchanges and cooperation between business communities, especially small- and medium-sized enterprises of the two sides. Both parties will support enterprises in making increased efforts to fulfill social responsibility while advancing commercial relations.

Denmark supports China’s wish for early recognition of market economy status by the EU and actively works for this to happen as soon as an appropriate framework for such a decision can be found. The Chinese side appreciates the abiding commitment of Denmark to free trade and its opposition to trade protectionism.

9. The two sides will expand co-operation in culture and tourism and facilitate people-to-people contacts and exchanges.