Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The People’s Republic of China
China's Position Paper on the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
April 22, 2016
Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
January 13, 2016
Working Together to Forge a New Partnership of Win-win Cooperation and Create a Community of Shared Future for Mankind
September 29, 2015
Wang Yi's Comments on President Xi Jinping's State Visit to US and Attendance at Summits Marking 70th Anniversary of Founding of UN
September 29, 2015
Xi Jinping Meets with President Hassan Rouhani of Iran
September 29, 2015
Xi Jinping Meets with Prime Minister Lars Rasmussen of Denmark
September 29, 2015
Xi Jinping Attends and Addresses UN Leaders' Summit on Peacekeeping
September 29, 2015