Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The People’s Republic of China
Yang Jiechi Gives Interview on G20 Hangzhou Summit
September 07, 2016
G20 Leaders' Communique Hangzhou Summit
September 06, 2016
Xi Jinping Meets with President Francois Hollande of France
September 06, 2016
Xi Jinping and Peng Liyuan Welcome Heads of Foreign Delegations and All Guests Attending G20 Hangzhou Summit
September 05, 2016
G20 Hangzhou Summit Continues, President Xi Jinping Chairs the Meeting and Delivers a Closing Speech, Stressing to Take the Hangzhou Summit as a Fresh Starting Point for the G20 to Embark on a New Journey
September 05, 2016
Xi Jinping Meets with Chinese and Foreign Journalists
September 05, 2016
Xi Jinping Meets with Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany
September 05, 2016