Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The People’s Republic of China
Joint Statement Between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Tajikistan on Further Developing Good-neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation
Updated: August 27, 2008 16:59

President Hu Jintao of the People's Republic of China paid a state visit to the Republic of Tajikistan on 26-27 August 2008 at the invitation of President Emomali Rahmon. The two heads of state had an in-depth exchange of views on China-Tajikistan relations and international and regional issues of mutual interest, and reached the following common understanding:

1. The People's Republic of China and the Republic of Tajikistan (hereinafter referred to as "the two sides") both viewed the Treaty of Good-neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation Between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Tajikistan signed on 15 January 2007 by the two heads of state as having important historic and immediate significance as it laid a solid legal foundation for the long-term, steady and sound growth of China-Tajikistan relations. The two sides are committed to the policies and principles laid out in the Treaty and will earnestly implement all bilateral political documents signed since establishment of bilateral relations to constantly advance China-Tajikistan good-neighborly and cooperative relationship.

2. The two heads of state applauded the current state of China-Tajikistan good-neighborly and cooperative relationship and believed that fast growing cooperation between the two countries in diverse fields delivers real benefit to the two peoples. The two sides emphasized that they will maintain frequent high-level visits and exchange views on bilateral relations and major issues concerning international situation in a timely manner. The two sides will continue to increase contact between the two governments and various departments, expand and deepen exchanges and cooperation in political affairs, economy and trade, security, people-to-people and cultural fields, and continuously lift China-Tajikistan good-neighborly and cooperative relationship to higher levels.

3. The two sides will further support the exchanges and cooperation between the National People's Congress of China and the Supreme Assembly of Tajikistan and between their specialized committees and friendship groups, constantly improve the legal foundation for bilateral relations, enhance traditional friendship and deepen the mutual understanding between the two peoples.

4. The two sides reiterated the important significance of delineation of China-Tajikistan boundary. The two sides will strictly abide by all bilateral agreements and documents on the boundary issue and stay committed to maintaining durable peace and lasting friendship in the border areas.

5. The two sides agreed to continue to support each other on major issues concerning state sovereignty and territorial integrity. The Tajik side reiterated its firm commitment to the one China policy, recognizing the Government of the People's Republic of China as the sole legal government representing the whole China and Taiwan as an inalienable part of China's territory. The Tajik side is opposed to any attempt to create "two Chinas" or "one China, one Taiwan", opposes "Taiwan independence" and Taiwan's membership in any international or regional organizations open only to sovereign states. It refuses to establish official ties or conduct official exchanges in any form with Taiwan. The Tajik side supports all efforts of the Chinese Government for national reunification. It holds that the Taiwan issue is a domestic affair of China which external forces have no right to interfere in. The Chinese side highly appreciated the principled position of the Tajik side and reaffirmed its support for the efforts of the Tajik side to safeguard independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, maintain domestic stability and develop national economy.

6. The two sides viewed the fight against "East Turkistan" terrorist forces as an important part of the global efforts against terrorism. The two sides will honor their commitments in the Cooperation Agreement on Combating Terrorism, Separatism and Extremism Between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Tajikistan and the Shanghai Convention on Combating Terrorism, Separatism and Extremism, continue to work closely with each other in the security field and take effective measures to jointly fight all forms of terrorism, including the "East Turkistan" terrorist forces in the interest of peace and stability in both countries and in the region at large.

7. The two sides held that drug crime is a serious threat to the social stability and national security of all countries in the region. The two sides will strengthen coordination and cooperation and take effective measures to combat narcotics production and trafficking and other forms of drug crime.

8. The Chinese side highly commended and appreciated the Tajik side for expressing sympathies and condolences and donating fund and materials to the Chinese side after the devastating earthquake hit Wenchuan, to help people in the disaster-striken areas fight the diaster and reconstruct their homeland .

9. The Tajik side congratulated the Chinese side on hosting the 2008 Olympic Games successfully and believed that this is a big contribution China has made to promote the course of international Olympic Movement and the building of a harmonious world.

10. The two sides maintained that to strengthen bilateral economic and trade cooperation is of great significance to comprehensively advancing bilateral relations. The two sides agreed to strengthen the work of trade and economic cooperation commission between the two governments, further upgrade trade mix, promote economic and technical cooperation, improve trade and investment environment and expand cooperation in transportation, communications, mining and reprocessing, agriculture and infrastructure construction on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.

11. The two sides will continue to explore the cooperation potential in road transport and cross-border transport, enhance the transfer capacity of border passes, and provide facilitation to each other in road, railway and air transport. The two sides will adopt policies to encourage border trade based on equality and mutual benefit and promote practical cooperation in the border areas.

12. The two sides will facilitate investment and trade activities in each other's country and economic and technical cooperation in accordance with their respective laws, and protect the safety of life and property and legitimate rights and interests of each other's nationals.

13. The two sides will expand exchanges and cooperation in education, culture, science and technology, media, tourism, sports, health, social security and other fields and support the exchanges and cooperation between institutions of higher learning, scientific research institutions, and friendship organizations for youth and the general public.

14. The two sides held that the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has maintained a good momentum of growth. As an important platform for deepening good-neighborly relationship among member states on the basis of mutual trust and mutual benefit, it is playing an important constructive role in promoting stability in Central Asia and the common development of member states. The two sides will continue to make concerted efforts to constantly deepen practical cooperation in security, economic affairs and people-to-people and cultural exchanges under the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

15. The two sides stressed that Central Asian countries have unique historical and cultural traditions. The international community should respect the development path independently chosen by the people in Central Asian countries in keeping with their national conditions. Stability and security, steady economic growth and social progress conform to the common aspiration and serve the fundermental interests of all the people in the region. China applauded the efforts of the Tajik side in promoting security, stability and development in Central Asia.

16. The two sides pointed out that China and Tajikistan have common or similar positions on a number of major international and regional issues and expressed their resolve to further strengthen bilateral cooperation within the framework of the United Nations and other international organizations. The two sides will strictly abide by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and other universally recognized norms of international law and establish a new security structure featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination. The two sides held that international disputes should be settled through peaceful means, that the United Nations should play a leading role in upholding world peace and security, and that diversity in world civilizations and in development models should be respected in order to build a harmonious world of durable peace and common prosperity.

17. President Hu Jintao of the People's Republic of China expressed appreciation to President Emomali Rahmon and the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan for the warm hospitality accorded to the Chinese delegation, and extended an invitation to President Emomali Rahmon for an official goodwill visit to China. President Rahmon accepted the invitation with pleasure. The date of the visit will be discussed through diplomatic channel.

(signed) Emomali Rahmon               (signed) Hu Jintao

President of The Republic of Tajikistan      President of The People's Republic of China 

                        Dushanbe, 27 August 2008