Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The People’s Republic of China
Veterinary Convention Between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria
Updated: April 19, 2002 10:41
The Government of the People?s Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria, hereinafter referred to as the ?Contracting parties?,

In order to strengthen mutual cooperation in the field of veterinary medicine,

Wishing to ensure in their countries an adequate protection against penetration of contagious and parasitic diseases on animals and of zooantroponoses on humans,

Desiring also to facilitate the exchange of animals and animal products,

Have agreed through friendly negotiations on the following:

Article 1

The Contracting parties shall cooperate in the protection of their territories against epizootics during import, export and transit of live animals, materials for animal reproduction, products of animal origin, animal feed and items that may be carriers of contagious agents.

The cooperation shall be carried out in the following manner:

1. The Contracting parties shall inform each other in manners and terms, regulated by the International Office of Epizootics (OIE), of the occurrence, evolution and final eradication on their territories of the OIE List A diseases, indicating the regions affected by the diseases, the types and total number of the affected animals, the measures to be taken for their localization and eradication, the established agents and suggested ways of transmission of the infection;

2. The Contracting parties shall notify each other of the occurrence on their territories of OIE List B diseases through exchange of monthly epizootic bulletins and other specific information;

3. The Contracting parties shall inform each other of the occurrence of zooantroponoses or on the presence in animals and imported food of animal origin of substances of chemical, physical or mechanical nature, harmful to human and animal health;

4. In case of necessity, the Contracting parties shall provide mutual assistance in the diagnosis of animal diseases, shall exchange bacterial and viral strains in accordance with the established international provisions.

Article 2

1. In the sense of this Convention the word ?animals? means:

·solid-hoofed (horses, donkeys, mules etc);

·cloven-hoofed-domestic and wild (cattle, bisons, camels, sheep, goats and pigs);

·lagomorphes(domestic and wild);

·domestic fowls (hens, turkeys, geese, ducks, guinea fowls);

·luxury fowls (pheasants, partridges, wood-grouse etc.);

·exotic fowls and animals;


·fish, molluscs, turtles, frogs, silk-worms.

2. In the sense of this Convention the wording ?materials for animal reproduction? shall mean semen, ova, zygotes and embryos.

3. In the sense of this Convention the wording ?products of animal origin? shall mean:

·animal raw materials-any non-processed part of the animal independent of its destination;

·food of animal origin-any part of the animal, its offal or processed substances of the live animal, designed for human food, as well as eggs, milk, milk products and honey;

· non-nutritive products of animal origin, parts of the animal not designed for human food.

4. In the sense of this Convention the word ?animal feed? shall mean any sources of nutritive substances of vegetative, animal, mineral, microbial, chemical and other origin, that do not contain toxic substances and can be transformed in the animals as harmless biologically active, constructive and functional elements.

The definitions of live animals, materials for animal reproduction, products of animal origin and animal feed, not provided in this Convention, shall be considered in accordance with the veterinary regulations of each Contracting party.

Article 3

1. The Contracting parties shall notify each other of the conditions and manners of application of the instructions and programs for prophylaxis and struggle against animal contagious and parasitic diseases existing in the respective country.

2. The Contracting parties shall exchange information about the veterinary requirements for export, import and transit of live animals, materials for animal reproduction, products of animal origin, animal feed etc., as well as information of the measures to be taken during non-contagious diseases outbreaks, including diseases due to toxic products, radioactive substances etc., that may lead to considerable economic losses.

Article 4

Aiming at the promotion of cooperation in the field of veterinary medicine, the competent authorities of the Contracting parties shall:

1. exchange legislative documents and other specific publications related to veterinary activity;

2. provide mutually information about professional meetings and conferences in the field of veterinary medicine, to which experts from both countries shall be able to attend;

3. provide cooperation in the field of veterinary science, education and practical organization of veterinary service through:

·exchange of experience and knowledge for the promotion of the development and further improvement of veterinary activity and for the improvement of professional qualification of veterinarians;

·exchange of professional literature and periodicals in veterinary science;

·visits of experts;

·encouraging and provision of mutually beneficial conditions for trade in veterinary medicines, antiparasitic, immunobiological and diagnostic products, produced in each Contracting party, as well as for the creation of joint production or trade establishments in this area.

Article 5

1. The expenses related to the exchange of information referred to in Articles 3 and 4 of this Convention shall be borne by the sending party.

2. Exchanges of experts shall be made on the basis of mutual agreement between the competent authorities of the Contracting parties. In such cases the travel expenses shall be borne by the sending party. The receiving party shall take the board-and-lodging expenses, as well as the domestic travel expenses according to a preliminary program.

Article 6

1. The competent departments authorized by the Contracting parties shall draw up specific protocols on quarantine and health requirements in accordance with the OIE International Animal Health Code, and confirm that the veterinary inspection organs shall be responsible for quarantine and inspection and issuance of the relevant quarantine certificates for the import, export and transit of live animals, materials for animal reproduction, products of animal origin, animal feed and other items, that may be carriers of contagious agents.

The quarantine certificate referred to in this Convention shall be issued in the language of the exporting country and in English.

2. The competent departments authorized by the Contracting parties shall establish direct contact in order to exchange the necessary information referred to in Articles 3 and 4 of this Convention, and discuss, if necessary, the current problems or the preventive and prophylaxis measures to be taken.

Article 7

1. The Contracting parties shall establish border veterinary control during import, export and transit of live animals, materials for animal reproduction, products of animal origin, animal feed and other items, that may be carriers of contagious agents and zooanthroponoses. Border veterinary control shall be done by the state veterinarians on border veterinary inspection check-points specified by each Contracting party, for which the Contracting parties shall inform each other.

2. The border veterinary inspection check-points may be changed, closed or new points may be opened, for which the Contracting parties shall inform each other.

Article 8

1. The import, export and transit of live animals, materials for animal reproduction, products of animal origin and animal feed shall be executed after authorization in writing by the competent authorities of the Contracting parties under the specific protocols on quarantine and health requirements referred to in Article 6.1.

2. When certain contagious diseases described in OIE List A occur on the territory of one Contracting party, the other Contracting party shall have the right to limit or ban immediately the import and transit of live animals, materials for animal reproduction, products of animal origin, biological materials, animal feed and other items, which may be carriers of contagious agents from the territory of the former country, for which it shall notify the competent authorities of the exporting authorities of the other Contracting party.

Article 9

1. Each consignment (or individual means of transport) of live animals, materials for animal reproduction, products of animal origin and animal feed shall be accompanied by a quarantine certificate issued by a state veterinarian.

2. If, after the border veterinary check, a consignment ( or individual means or transport ) of live animals, materials for animal reproduction, products of animal origin and animal feed to be imported does not meet the quarantine and health requirements defined in the quarantine certificate, or if the means of transport does not comply with the veterinary requirements for transport, the competent authorities of the exporting country and shall take actions for the protection of their-territory against contagious and parasitic diseases on animals and zooantroponoses on humans.

Article 10

The provisions of the present Convention may be amended by mutual agreement of the Contracting parties. These amendments shall come into force in conformity with Article 13.

Article 11

The present Convention shall not affect the rights and obligations of the Contracting parties, arising out from other international agreements and treaties to which they are parties.

Article 12

Any differences arising out from the interpretation and application of the present Convention shall be submitted to a Joint commission, consisting of three representatives of each party. The commission shall meet within two months of its convocation by one of the Contracting parties on its territory. Problems left unsolved by the commission shall be negotiated through diplomatic channels.

Article 13

1. This Convention shall be subject to approval by the Governments of each Contracting party and shall enter into force 30 (thirty) days after the receipt of the second of the notes by which the Contracting parties shall inform each other of their approval of the Convention in accordance with the provisions of their national legislation.

2. The Convention shall remain in force in force for a period of five years. The present Convention shall be automatically renewed for each consecutive period of five years, unless one of the Contracting parties notifies in writing the other party of its intention to terminate the Convention at least three months before the date of its expiry.

Done at Beijing on May 11, 1998 in duplicate in Chinese, Bulgarian and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. In case of divergencies of interpretation, the English text will prevail.