Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The People’s Republic of China
Agreement Between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria for Cooperation in the Field of Health Care and Medical Science
Updated: April 19, 2002 10:44
The Government of the People?s Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria (referred to hereafter as the ?Contracting parties?), willing to encourage cooperation in the field of health care and medical science, convinced that his cooperation will improve the health of both nations agreed upon the following:


The Contracting parties shall encourage and develop the cooperation in the field of health care and medical science on the basis of reciprocity and mutual interest in accordance with the national legislation of each country.


&1.The Contracting parties shall develop cooperation in the field of health care in the following priority areas:

a. medical services delivered to the population;

b. public health and prophylaxis;

c. hygiene of food and sanitary control of health related products;

d. epidemiological control of infectious and parasitic diseases;

e. environment and health;

f. drug policy;

g. traditional medicine and biology;

h. acupuncture.

&2. The cooperation in thus enumerated fields does not exclude other fields of mutual interest.


The cooperation shall be realized in practice through:

a. exchange of information;

b. exchange of specialists;

c. exchange of experience on priority problems;

d. participation of scientists in scientific medical activities at a national level;

e. joint projects in the field of health care;


The Contracting parties shall cooperate in the field of drug policy through:

a. stimulating the exchange of experience in the field of drugs regulation and control;

b. facilitating the access of pharmaceuticals to the market of both countries.


The Contracting parties shall promote direct cooperation between the academic medical institutions, the medical universities and the national medical centers of the countries for the purpose of information and experience exchange in the field of medical science, technological achievements and new medical equipment s well.


The Contracting parties stimulate the cooperation between their respective competent authorities in the field of prevention of infectious and non-infectious diseases and State sanitary control.

They mutually inform one another of particularly important epidemiological situations that have arisen in the countries as well as of the emergence of significant infectious diseases.


&1. The Contracting parties shall exchange experts and medical specialists in order to exchange experience and increase their qualification, to carry out joint activities in the priority areas for the countries on the following conditions:

a. On a non-currency basis for a period of 30 days annually on a equivalent basis. The dispatching country shall undertake international travel expenses and medical insurance. The hosting country shall undertake the expenditures related to the hotel, transportation within the country and per diems.

b. On a currency basis. The dispatching country shall undertake the expenditures related to be hotel, transportation, medical insurance and per diems.

&2. The expenditures related to the hotel, transportation and per diems shall be based on the existing legislation and regulation in the respective country.

&3. The Contracting parties shall provide their specialists to be sent on a duty travel both on non-currency and currency basis with the working programs in English language at least two months before the start of the duty travel.


In case of invitation for participation in scientific forums the financial conditions shall be specified in the invitations.


&1. The Contracting parties shall authorize the Ministry of Health of the People?s Republic of China and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Bulgaria to be the competent organs for coordination of the activities under this Agreement.

&2. The representatives of the Ministry of Health of the People?s Republic of China and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Bulgaria shall consecutively hold work meetings to evaluate the implementation of this Agreement.

&3. The working meetings shall take place in turn in each of the countries.


&1. This Agreement is entering into force from the date of receiving the second note, by which the Contracting parties are notifying each other through diplomatic channels that all conditions in accordance with their national legislation for entering into force of this Agreement have been fulfilled.

&2. This Agreement is concluded for a period of 5 (five) years. Its validity is automatically extended for a new period of 5 (five) years, unless one of the Contracting parties denounces it giving written diplomatic notice not later than 6 (six) months before the expiry of this Agreement.

&3. This Agreement is signed in Sofia on 28 June 2000 in two uniform copies, each in Chinese, Bulgarian and English languages, and the three texts have identical validity. In the case of contradictions and vagueness in the interpretation of the Agreement, the English text shall be authoritative.