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Statement by H.E. Ambassador WANG Yingfan, Head of the Chinese Delegation and Permanent Representative of China to the UN at the High-Level Segment of ECOSOC'S Substantive Session

2 July , 2002

2002-07-10 00:00
Mr. President,

Please allow me to extend our heartfelt congratulations to you on your election to the chair. Our sincere congratulations also go to other members of the Bureau. I am confident that under your guidance, you will surely guide this acssion to a fruitful conclusion in the deliberations on human resources development.

The report submitted by the Secretary-General on human resources development has put forward many insight suggestions beneficial to our discussions. I would, hereby, like to share with you some of my thoughts:

Firstly, the promotion of human resources development requires a now concept for development The 21th century is an era of globalization and rapid development of information and communications technology. The exploration and development of human resources have never been so important and urging as it sees today. Therefore, its development should be based on the principle of focusing on people and bringing them benefit it should also be aimed at improving people's quality through education and human capacity of adapting to globalization and information and communications technology and of creation and competitiveness in order to promote development through capacity-building.

Secondly, the promotion of human resources development should aim at improving people's health. The health medicate system which ensures health for all is an important link in breaking the vicious circle whereby poverty gives rise to illness and the later in turn further leads to poverty. Henceforth, the settlement of this major problem should be given top priority in eradicating poverty.

Thirdly, the promotion of human resources development must put in place a lifelong education system and an education oriented aociety. It is imperative to vigorously develop basic and vocational education by establishing a broad and multi-level network of education training. It is also necessary to fully utilize modern information communications technology by popularizing it and optimizing its method to improve learning. Fundamentally speaking, education is not only the major means and charnel for human resources development but the foundation for human capacity-building as well.

Fourthly, the promotion of human resources development calls for strengthened cooperation in international exchanges. Now all countries are facing with an arduous task to strengthen human resources development and the developing one are encountering with an even more difficult situation due to historical reasons. Efforts should be made by the international community to establish a multi-level and multi-form cooperation mechanism on the basis of the principle of mutual benefit, mutual reciprocity and common development by increasing personnel and information exchanges. The developed countries should provide financial, material and technological assistance to developing ones so as to help them accelerate human capacity-building and make it a major step in assisting them to achieve economic growth, narrow the gap between the north and the south and promote coordinated development. The developed countries should also cake action to help developing ones to bridge the "digital divide", accelerate information and communications network provide training share with knowledge-based resources and improve the workforce's quality.

Mr. President,

By attaching great importance to nurturing the talents, the Chinese Government has put forward and implemented vigorously the strategy of ensuring a prosperous nation through science and education. China also advocates respect for knowledge and the talents and regards human resources development as an important means to facilitate sustained economic and social development. We insist on prioritizing the development of science and education while enhancing human resources development. Efforts have been made in reforming the personal and labor employment system whereby the talents of all types could fully play their due roles. We wish to improve the entire nation's quality of morality, ethics, science and culture and enhance the labor force's knowledge and technological know-how. We are ready to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with other countries by drawing on each other's experiences to promote human resources development.

Thank you, Mr. President

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