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President Xi Jinping Holds Talks with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto Two Heads of State Announce Upgrading China-Mexico Relationship to Comprehensive Strategic Partnership

2013-06-05 09:30

On June 4, 2013, President Xi Jinping held talks with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto in Mexico City. Both sides agreed that it is in the fundamental interest of the two countries and the two peoples, as well as conducive to solidarity and cooperation among developing countries to strengthen China-Mexico long-term friendly cooperation. The two heads of state announced to upgrade China-Mexico strategic partnership to a comprehensive strategic partnership.

Prior to the talks, Pena Nieto held a grand welcome ceremony for Xi Jinping at Campo Marte Square. Upon their arrival at the square, Xi Jinping and his wife Mme. Peng Liyuan were warmly greeted by Pena Nieto and his wife. Xi Jinping and Mme. Peng Liyuan, accompanied by President Pena Nieto and his wife, stepped into the center of the square along the red carpet and mounted to the inspection platform. The military band played the national anthems of the two countries and fired 21 gun salutes.

Pena Nieto and Xi Jinping delivered cordial addresses respectively.

Pena Nieto warmly welcomed Xi Jinping for his state visit to Mexico on behalf of the Mexican government and the people. Pena Nieto said that China is with a long history of ancient civilization and has made important contributions to the progress of the mankind. China has now become a major global economic engine and an important balancing power in international relations. The Chinese people are moving towards new prosperity. Pena Nieto said that as two emerging powers, Mexico and China are important strategic cooperative partners for each other. The Mexican side is ready to forge closer relations with the Chinese side and to join hands with China for common development. It is sure that President Xi Jinping's visit will open up a new stage for cooperation between the two countries and elevate the bilateral relationship to a higher level.

Xi Jinping conveyed the sincere greetings and best wishes to the Mexican people on behalf of the Chinese government and the people. Xi Jinping said that the Chinese and Mexican peoples share a natural feeling of closeness for both the countries are with ancient civilizations and a glorious history of fighting bravely for national independence and liberation. Since the two countries established diplomatic relationship in 1972, China and Mexico have achieved rapid development of mutually beneficial friendly cooperation in all fields, always understand and support each other while going along the road of development, and maintained close coordination in international affairs. The two countries are trustworthy good friends and good partners. Xi Jinping noted, China and Mexico are now facing the same task of developing economy and improving people's livelihood. China is willing to work with Mexico to constantly enrich the content of bilateral strategic partnership, to push for a comprehensive and in-depth development of the mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries and to make positive contributions to world peace, stability and prosperity. My visit aims to deepen mutual trust, to expand cooperation and to enhance friendship. I believe that with the joint efforts of both sides, the China-Mexico relationship will enter a new phase.

Xi Jinping, accompanied by Pena Nieto, inspected the three-service Guard of Honour. The two heads of state then returned to the inspection platform, watching the march-past of the three-service Guard of Honour and cavalry.

The children and people from local Chinese community came to welcome Chinese guests. Xi Jinping and Mme. Peng Liyuan waved greetings to them.

Members of the Mexican cabinet and leaders of the defence force were present at the welcome ceremony.

Following the welcome ceremony, President Pena Nieto and his wife hosted Xi Jinping and Mme. Peng Liyuan at the presidential residence. They had a friendly chat.

The two heads of state then held talks. Xi Jinping stressed, the China-Mexico relations has gong beyond the scope of bilateral relationship and is increasingly of overall and strategic importance in the foreign relations of the two countries. Under the new situation, the two countries absolutely have the reason and condition to achieve greater development of bilateral relationship. I made a decision with President Pena Nieto to upgrade the relationship between the two countries to a comprehensive strategic partnership. It goes with realistic requirement, and sets up a clear target for the future development of China-Mexico relations.

Pena Nieto said that upgrading the Mexico-China relationship to the comprehensive strategic partnership marks that cooperation between the two countries has entered a new stage. The Mexican side is willing to work with China to constantly promote cooperation at higher levels and through more effective mechanisms to achieve common development.

The two heads of state agreed to continuously push forward the China-Mexico comprehensive strategic partnership by working together in the following aspects.

First, to view the bilateral relations always from the strategic and long-term perspective and to enhance political mutual trust. To accommodate each other's concerns. To provide mutual understanding and support on issues concerning each other's core interests. To keep high-level exchanges, communication between political parties and legislative bodies. To give full play to the mechanisms of permanent commissions, strategic dialogue and parliamentary dialogue forum between the two countries to coordinate on each other's development strategies.

Second, to strengthen practical cooperation in accordance with the development strategies of the two countries. To set up a working team for emerging industries and a high-level cooperation team of entrepreneurs. To promote mutual investment in the key areas of energy, mining, infrastructure construction and high technology. To promote balanced development of bilateral trade. China supports to increase the imports from Mexico, while Mexico welcomes Chinese businesses to invest in the country and will create favourable conditions for Chinese investors. To keep exchanges and learn from each other in the fields of poverty reduction, environmental protection and urbanization.

Third, to expand cultural and people-to-people exchanges by tapping the advantage of both sides as two major countries with rich cultural traditions. To push for more exchanges between cultural and art troupes. To encourage more tourists traveling to each other's country. To strengthen communication between young students, academics, media and sports communities. China will build a Chinese cultural center in Mexico City, the first one in Latin America and the Caribbean. Mexico will establish a Mexican cultural center in Beijing as well.

Fourth, to coordinate more on multilateral affairs based on the common interests and responsibilities on major international issues. To keep frequent communication and coordination on major international issues including global economic governance, energy security, food security and climate change. To increase the say of developing countries in international affairs. To safeguard the common interests of the two countries and developing nations at large. To support the establishment of the China-Latin America Cooperation Forum and to promote the overall cooperation between China and Latin America at a higher level.

Following their talks, the two leaders signed the Joint Statement between the People's Republic of China and the United Mexican States, witnessed the signing of a number of cooperation agreements and jointly met the press.

Wang Huning, Li Zhanshu, Yang Jiechi and others were present at relevant activities.

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