Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The People’s Republic of China
Wang Yi Shares Four Commitments of the Chinese Way to Address Hotspot Issues
Updated: March 07, 2024 23:57

On March 7, 2024, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister Wang Yi shared the Chinese way to address hotspot issues when he met the press during the NPC and CPPCC sessions.

Wang Yi said constructive engagement in settling international hotspot issues is a due responsibility for China as a permanent member of the U.N. Security Council. China learns from international practices and draws wisdom from Chinese culture, and have found the Chinese way to address hotspot issues. The following four commitments are vitally important.

First, a commitment to non-interference in internal affairs. China always respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the countries concerned, and plays good offices in light of their needs and wishes and in line with the U.N. Charter.

Second, a commitment to political settlement. In addressing disagreements and disputes, willful use of force should not be allowed, let alone relying obsessively on pressure and sanctions. What is needed is to advance dialogue and consultation with the utmost patience and find the biggest common ground that accommodates the legitimate needs of all sides. On all hotspot issues, China always promotes talks for peace. China never adds fuel to the fire.

Third, a commitment to objectivity and impartiality. China forms its stance based on the merits of each issue. China does not use double standards, or favor one side over the other, or seek selfish geopolitical interests. All peoples in the world have a sense of justice in their hearts. Credibility comes before influence.

Fourth, a commitment to addressing both symptoms and root causes. It is important to deflate tensions as quickly as possible to prevent escalation or spillover, and at the same time, it is also crucial to look into the root causes in a systemic and dialectical way and take a holistic approach to resolving disputes. Band-aid solutions are not advisable, nor are short-sighted, utilitarian, or finger-pointing tactics.

Wang Yi stated the world is far from being tranquil, and peace needs to be upheld by us all. China will work with all countries to build consensus for ending conflicts, pave the way for peace talks, and strive for a world of lasting peace and common security.