Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The People’s Republic of China
Joint Communique on the Extablishment of Diplomatic Relations Between the People's Republic of China and the Kingdom of Afghanistan
Updated: November 15, 2000 14:16
Draft of the Communique to be Issued in Peking, Capital of the People's Republic of China:

?The Governments of the People?s Republic of China and the Kingdom of Afghanistan, based on the common desire to promote mutual relations between their two countries, agree to establish normal diplomatic relations and exchange ambassadors between the People?s Republic of China and the Kingdom of Afghanistan.?

Draft of the Communique to be Issued in Kabul, Capital of the Dingdom of Afghanistan:

?The Governments of the Kingdom of Afghanistan and the People?s Republic of China, based on the common desire to promote mutual relations between their two countries, agree to establish normal diplomatic relations and exchange ambassadors between the kingdom of Afghanistan and the People?s Republic of China.?