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Premier Zhu Rongji Met with Bhutanese Foreign Minister Lyonpo Jigme Yoeser Thinley

2002-10-16 10:32

On the afternoon of October 14, 2002, Premier Zhu Rongji met with Bhutanese Foreign Minister Lyonpo Jigme Yoeser Thinley, who was in Beijing for the 16th round of China-Bhutan boundary talks, at Ziguangge, Zhongnanhai.

Zhu said that China and Bhutan are connected by mountains and waters, and have close historical ties. The two peoples have profound friendship. China-Bhutan relations have developed smoothly in recent years and the border areas have remained peaceful and harmonious. Cooperation in all areas is progressing well. China appreciates the Bhutanese government's support on the issues like Taiwan and human rights.

Zhu said that the Chinese government respects Bhutan's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and hopes to develop cooperative relations based on the principles of equality, mutual benefit and non-interference in each other's internal affairs. The two countries have conducted 16 rounds of boundary talks and reached a broad scope of consensus. It is believed that in the principle of mutual accommodation and understanding, the boundary issue between China and Bhutan will be solved successfully.

Thinley thanked Zhu for the meeting amid the latter's busy schedule. He said that our two countries are connected by the Himalayas. Common border has made our exchanges easier. We should further strengthen exchanges and promote understanding. Thinley reiterated Bhutan's consistent stand on the issues of Taiwan and human rights and emphasized that Bhutan would continue to firmly support China on these issues.

Thinley sincerely wished, on behalf of the Bhutanese government, the upcoming 16th Congress of the Communist Party of China a complete success. He expressed the belief that under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, China will achieve more prosperity, which is conducive to world stability and development.

Thinley conveyed to President Jiang Zemin and Premier Zhu Rongji the cordial greetings and good wishes from His Majesty King Wangchuk. Zhu also asked Thinley to convey President Jiang's and his own greetings to King Wangchuk.

Before the meeting, Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan held talks with Thinley on bilateral relations and other international and regional issues of common concern. Vice Foreign Minister Wang Yi held official talks with Thinley on boundary issues.

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