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Special Envoy of the Chinese Government on the Middle East Issue Zhai Jun Has a Group Meeting with Diplomatic Envoys of Arab States to China and Responsible Officials of the Mission of the League of Arab States in China

2023-04-07 21:29

On April 7, 2023, Special Envoy of the Chinese Government on the Middle East Issue Zhai Jun had a group meeting with diplomatic envoys of Arab states to China and responsible officials of the Mission of the League of Arab States in China at their request.

The Arab side said that the recent entry of Israeli police into the Al-Aqsa mosque has caused clashes. The attempt of Israel to change the status quo of Jerusalem as a holy site violates relevant UN resolutions, and the international community has the responsibility to take actions to stop the provocative behavior of Israel. The Arab side highly appreciates China’s efforts to safeguard and promote regional peace and stability and to advance a settlement of the Palestinian question, and hopes that China will continue to play its role in promoting deescalation of the current tensions, and defending the legitimate national rights of the Palestinian people.

Zhai Jun said that China is deeply concerned about the escalation of conflicts between Israel, Palestine and Lebanon, and urges relevant parties, Israel in particular, to exercise maximum calm and restraint,and avoid taking any actions that may heighten tensions, so as to prevent further exacerbation of the situation. As a permanent member of the UN Security Council, China has actively responded to the call of Arab states and asked the UN Security Council to hold emergency consultations on the Palestine-Israel situation together with the United Arab Emirates and some other countries, in an effort to deescalate the tensions. China will stay in close communication with relevant parties in the international community to actively promote talks for peace.

Zhai Jun said that the fundamental way to resolve the conflicts between Palestine and Israel is to implement the two-state solution and establish an independent state of Palestine. The international community needs to act with a stronger sense of urgency, heed the legitimate concerns of Palestine, and take concrete steps to fulfill the pledge to the Palestinian people. Major countries with influence need to step up to their responsibilities, take a just position, and play their due part in facilitating the resumption of peace talks between Palestine and Israel on the basis of the two-state solution. China will continue to make relentless efforts to facilitate a proper resolution of the Palestinian question at an early date.

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